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Artikel Lichenologie / articles lichenology
- JABŁOŃSKA, A.2008. The lichen genus Porpidia in Poland I. P. cinereoatra and P. crustulata, 41–49. (pdf)
- OSET, M. 2008. The lichen genus Stereocaulon in Poland I. S. condensatum and S. incrustatum, 51–59. (pdf)
- KOWALEWSKA, A., KUKWA, M., OSTROWSKA, I., JABŁOŃSKA, A., OSET, M. & SZOK, J. 2008. The lichens of the Cladonia pyxidata-chlorophaea group and allied species in Poland, 61–78. (pdf)
- FISCHER, E. & KILLMANN, D. 2008. Wiederfund von Lobaria virens in Deutschland, 79–84. (pdf)
- BREUSS, O. 2008. Neue Funde pyrenocarper Flechten aus den Julischen Alpen (Slowenien und Italien), 85–92. (pdf)
- TRETIACH, M., NIMIS, P. L. & HAFELLNER, J. 2008. Miscellaneous records of lichens and lichenicolous fungi from the Apuan Alps and the Tuscan-Emilian Apennine (central Italy), 93–103. (pdf)
- VONDRÁK, J., GUTTOVÁ, A. & MAYRHOFER, H. 2008. A further contribution to the knowledge of lichen-forming and lichenicolous fungi in Crete, 105–124. (pdf)
- BERGER, F. & PRIEMETZHOFER, F. 2008. Neufunde und interessante Nachweise von Flechten und flechtenbewohnenden Pilzen von den Azoren, 125–146. (pdf)
- NEUWIRTH, G. 2008. Further studies on lichens from Venezuela with new and interesting records, 147–156. (pdf)
- DAVYDOV, E. A. & ZHURBENKO, M. P. 2008. Contribution to Umbilicariaceae (lichenized Ascomycota) studies in Russia. I. Mainly arctic species, 157–166. (pdf)
- KUKWA, M. & JABŁOŃŃSKA, A. 2008. New or interesting records of lichenicolous fungi from Poland VI, 167–179. (pdf)
- BRACKEL, W. v. 2008. Zwackhiomyces echinulatus sp. nov. and other lichenicolous fungi from Sicily, Italy, 181–198. (pdf)