Herzogia 26 Heft 1

Caloplaca scrobiculata is a lichen occurring in the mountain ranges of Central Asia characterized by a thick thallus with a rough surface caused by wrinkles and grooves (Uzbekistan, BRA 11106).
Zum Artikel / to the paper: Vondrák, J. & Mayrhofer, H.:
Artikel / articles
- Jørgensen, P. M., Schultz, M. & Guttová, A. 2013: Validation of Anema tumidulum (Lichinaceae, lichenized Ascomycota), a widespread cyanophilic lichen.
Herzogia 26 (1): 1-7. - van den Boom, P. P. G. & Sipman, H. J. M. 2013: Sixty-two species of lirelliform Graphidaceae (Ascomycota) new to Panama, including four species new to science.
Herzogia 26 (1): 9-20. - Vondrák, J. & Mayrhofer, H. 2013.: Caloplaca anularis and Caloplaca scrobiculata are distinct.
Herzogia 26 (1): 21-29. - Vondrák, J., Palice, Z., Mareš, J. & Kocourková, J. 2013: Two superficially similar lichen crusts, Gregorella humida and Moelleropsis nebulosa, and a description of the new lichenicolous fungus Llimoniella gregorellae.
Herzogia 26 (1): 31-48. - Osyczka, P. 2013: A morphometric evaluation of the Cladonia chlorophaea group and allied taxa (Cladoniaceae, Ascomycota).
Herzogia 26 (1): 49-64. - Schiefelbein, U. 2013: Additions to the lichenized and lichenicolous fungi of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (Germany).
Herzogia 26 (1): 65-72. - Dymytrova, L., Nadyeina, O., Naumovych, A., Keller, C. & Scheidegger, C. 2013: Primeval beech forests of Ukrainian Carpathians are sanctuaries for rare and endangered epiphytic lichens.
Herzogia 26 (1): 73-89. - Temina, M. & Brodo, I. M. 2013: New records of lichens from Mount Carmel National Park and Atlit Beach (Israel).
Herzogia 26 (1): 91-102. - Hauck, M., Tønsberg, T., Mayrhofer, H. & Breuss, O. 2013: Lichen-forming and lichenicolous fungi new to Kazakhstan.
Herzogia 26 (1): 103-116. - Muchnik, E. & Śliwa, L. 2013: New and noteworthy lichen records from Central European Russia.
Herzogia 26 (1): 117-121. - Urbanavichus, G. & Urbanavichene, I. 2013: New records of pyrenocarpous lichens from the NW Caucasus (Russia)
Herzogia 26 (1): 123-129. - Wagner, H.-G. 2013: Funde bemerkenswerter Flechten, lichenicoler Pilze sowie einiger weiterer Arten in Brandenburg (Deutschland).
Herzogia 26 (1): 131-139. - Brackel, W. v. 2013: Miscellaneous records of lichenicolous fungi from the Italian Alps.
Herzogia 26 (1): 141-157. - Kukwa, M., Szymczyk, R. & Kowalewska, A. 2013: New or interesting records of lichenicolous fungi from Poland IX.
Herzogia 26 (1): 159-168. - Ochyra, R., Bednarek-Ochyra, H. & van Rooy, J. 2013: Dicranella hookeri (Dicranaceae, Musci), an addition to the moss flora of continental Africa.
Herzogia 26 (1): 169-174. - Marstaller, R. 2013: Verbreitung und Soziologie von Schistidium brunnescens. 159. Beitrag zur Moosvegetation Thüringens.
Herzogia 26 (1): 175-186. - Hugonnot, V. & Celle, J. 2013: The Leptodictyo riparii-Hygroamblystegietum varii ass. nov., a dead wood-dwelling association of near-natural alluvial forests in the Rhône valley (France).
Herzogia 26 (1): 187-195.
Kurzmitteilungen / short communications
- Lumbsch, H. T. 2013: Diploschistes euganeus erstmals für die Schweiz und Lecanora pseudistera neu für dasTessin nachgewiesen.
Herzogia 26 (1): 197-199. - Mayrhofer, H. & Coppins, B. J. 2013: Remarkable records of lichenized fungi from Slovenia.
Herzogia 26 (1): 201-206. - Yakovchenko, L., Ahti, T. & Westberg, M. 2013: Candelariella biatorina new to Asia from the Russian Far East.
Herzogia 26 (1): 207-212. - Kürschner, H., Batsatsashvili, K. & Parolly, G. 2013: Noteworthy additions to the bryophyte flora of Georgia.
Herzogia 26 (1): 213-216.
Neubeschreibungen und Neukombinationen /
new descriptions and new combinations
Acanthothecis maritima van den Boom & Sipman sp. nov. [MycoBank 803111], p. 14
Acanthothecis salazinica van den Boom & Sipman sp. nov. [MycoBank 803110], p. 12
Anema tumidulum Henssen ex P.M.Jørg., M.Schultz & Guttová sp. nov. [MycoBank 803985], p. 2
Caloplaca anularis f. ignea (Poelt & Hinteregger) Vondrák & Mayrhofer comb. nov. [MycoBank 803188], p. 28
Graphis fissurinoides van den Boom & Sipman sp. nov. [MycoBank 803112], p. 14
Leptodictyo riparii-Hygroamblystegietum varii ass. nov., p. 190
Llimoniella gregorellae Kocourk. & Vondrák sp. nov. [MycoBank 801903], p. 43
Phaeographis boquetensis van den Boom sp. nov. [MycoBank 803113], p. 15
Pronectria pedemontana Brackel sp. nov. [MycoBank 803500], p. 148
Acanthothecis salazinica van den Boom & Sipman sp. nov. [MycoBank 803110], p. 12
Anema tumidulum Henssen ex P.M.Jørg., M.Schultz & Guttová sp. nov. [MycoBank 803985], p. 2
Caloplaca anularis f. ignea (Poelt & Hinteregger) Vondrák & Mayrhofer comb. nov. [MycoBank 803188], p. 28
Graphis fissurinoides van den Boom & Sipman sp. nov. [MycoBank 803112], p. 14
Leptodictyo riparii-Hygroamblystegietum varii ass. nov., p. 190
Llimoniella gregorellae Kocourk. & Vondrák sp. nov. [MycoBank 801903], p. 43
Phaeographis boquetensis van den Boom sp. nov. [MycoBank 803113], p. 15
Pronectria pedemontana Brackel sp. nov. [MycoBank 803500], p. 148