Herzogia 33 Heft 2
Zum Artikel / to the paper: Vedran Šegota, Anja Rimac, Nikola Koletić, Nina Vuković, Antun Alegro 2021: Elucidating distributional and ecological patterns of the rare Mediterranean-Atlantic species Petalophyllum ralfsii in Europe following its first record on the Adriatic coast (Croatia) - Herzogia 33(2): 275-290
Bryologische Artikel / bryological articles
- Jan Eckstein, Markus Preussing, Hans-Christian Schmidt 2021: Bemerkenswerte Moosfunde aus Thüringen - Herzogia 33(2): 263-274.
- Vedran Šegota, Anja Rimac, Nikola Koletić, Nina Vuković, Antun Alegro 2021: Elucidating distributional and ecological patterns of the rare Mediterranean-Atlantic species Petalophyllum ralfsii in Europe following its first record on the Adriatic coast (Croatia) - Herzogia 33(2): 275-290
- Vedran Šegota, Anja Rimac, Snežana Dragićević, Nikola Koletić, Antun Alegro 2021: Drepanium fastigiatum and Microhypnum sauteri new for Croatia - Herzogia 33(2): 291-299
- Chao Feng, Jin Kou, Guo-Li Zhang, Zi Wang 2021: Range extension of two xerophytic mosses in China based on molecular and morphological data - Herzogia 33(2): 300-308
- Yan-Jun Yi, Xiao-Xuan Xiao, Lin Wu, Si He 2021: Molecular data affirming a new occurrence of Encalypta streptocarpa (Encalyptaceae, Bryophyta) in Central China - Herzogia 33(2): 309-318
- Csaba Németh 2021: Bryophilous ascomycetes (Pezizales) in Hungarian cemeteries - Herzogia 33(2): 319-339
Lichenologische Artikel / lichenological articles
- Ana Rosa Burgaz, Blanca Gutiérrez-Larruga, Clara Rodríguez-Arribas, Raquel Pino-Bodas 2021: The genus Cladonia from Greece - Herzogia 33(2): 340-376
- Regine Stordeur, Othmar Breuss, Jan Eckstein, Hagen Grünberg, Hans-Ulrich Kison, Ulf Schiefelbein, Matthias Schultz, Holger Thüs 2021: Beiträge zur Flechtenflora Sachsen-Anhalts und Thüringens - Herzogia 33(2): 377-393
- Kerry Knudsen, Jana Kocourková 2021: Acarosporaceae of Belarus - Herzogia 33(2): 394-406
- Anna Guttová, Milan Valachovič, Rossen Tzonev, Anna Ganeva, Veselin V. Shivarov, Zuzana Fačkovcová 2021: Lichens recorded in chasmophytic communities associated with relict and endemic plant species in Bulgaria - Herzogia 33(2): 407-419
- Pieter P. G. van den Boom, John A. Elix & Mireia Giralt, Mireia Giralt 2021: Lichen diversity of crustose Caliciaceae and Physciaceae from Alentejo, the Azores and Madeira (Portugal) including the new Amandinea madeirensis - Herzogia 33(2): 420-431
- Seyhan Oran 2021: Additions to the lichen biota of the Kaz Mountains (Çanakkale-Balıkesir, Turkey) - Herzogia 33(2): 432-446
- Cong-Miao Xie, Zhao-Jie Ren, Chun-Xiao Wang, Lu-Lu Zhang 2021: Four species of Fuscidea new to China - Herzogia 33(2): 447-454
- Lidia Yakovchenko, Evgeny A. Davydov, Alexander Paukov, Liudmila Konoreva, Sergei Chesnokov, Yoshihito Ohmura 2021: New records of arctic-alpine lichens from the Russian Far East - Herzogia 33(2): 455-472
- Franz Berger, Erich Zimmermann, Wolfgang von Brackel 2021: Species of Pronectria (Bionectriaceae) and Xenonectriella (Nectriaceae) growing on foliose Physciaceae, with a key of the European species - Herzogia 33(2): 473-493
- Josef Hafellner, Helmut Mayrhofer 2021: Noteworthy records of lichenicolous fungi from various countries on the Balkan Peninsula. II. - Herzogia 33(2): 494-511
- Mikhail P. Zhurbenko, Irina S. Stepanchikova, Dmitry E. Himelbrant 2021: New species and new records of lichenicolous fungi from the Kamchatka Territory of Russia - Herzogia 33(2): 512-524
- Mikhail P. Zhurbenko, Paul Diederich, Ludmila V. Gagarina 2021: Lichenicolous fungi from Vietnam, with the description of four new species - Herzogia 33(2): 525-543
Kurzmitteilungen / short communications
- Thomas Kiebacher, Markus Meier 2021: The generic placement of Grimmia teretinervis - Herzogia 33(2): 544-547
- María J. Cano 2021: Six new records of Pottiaceae (Bryophyta) for Cyprus - Herzogia 33(2): 548-553
- Arsen Gasparyan, Harrie J. M. Sipman 2021: The first record of Lobaria pulmonaria from Armenia - Herzogia 33(2): 554-557
Autorenhinweise / author instructions
Neubeschreibungen und Neukombinationen / new descriptions and new combinations
Amandinea madeirensis van den Boom, Elix & Giralt sp. nov. [MycoBank number: MB837532], p. 422
Pronectria etayoi E.Zimm. & F.Berger sp. nov. [MycoBank number: MB836587], p. 480
Xeronectriella angulospora (Etayo) F.Berger comb. nov. [MycoBank number: MB836590], p. 483
Xeronectriella physciacearum F.Berger, E.Zimm. & Brackel sp. nov. [MycoBank number: MB836588], p. 483
Xeronectriella zimmermanni F.Berger & Brackel sp. nov. [MycoBank number: MB836589], p. 486
Arthonia epiparmelia Zhurb. sp. nov. [MycoBank number: MB835467], p. 514
Arthonia lecideicola Zhurb. & Stepanchikova sp. nov. [MycoBank number: MB835468], p. 516
Feltgeniomyces lecanorae Zhurb. sp. nov. [MycoBank number: MB835469], p. 516
Merismatium lobariae Zhurb. sp. nov. [MycoBank number: MB835470], p. 519
Arthophacopsis heterodermiae Zhurb.& Diederich sp. nov. [MycoBank number: MB836003], p. 527
Diplolaeviopsis vietnamensis Zhurb. & Diederich sp. nov. [MycoBank number: MB836004], p. 529
Minutoexcipula kovalenkoi Zhurb. & Diederich sp. nov. [MycoBank number: MB836005], p. 532
Sclerococcum pseudosipmanii Zhurb. & Diederich sp. nov. [MycoBank number MB836006], p. 536