Eckstein, J., Preussing, M. & Thiel, H.: Ergänzungen zur Moosflora Niedersachsens und Hessens. Additions to the bryophyte flora of Lower Saxony and Hesse (Germany). Herzogia 28: 9-27.
Górski, P. & Váňa, J.: Calciphilous species of the genus Scapania in the Tatra Mountains (Western Carpathians, Poland and Slovakia): distribution and threats. Herzogia 28: 28-37.
Bakalin, V. & Xiong, Y.:Lophozia silvicola (Scapaniaceae, Hepaticae) ‒ an unexpected record of a boreal species in the subtropical forest of Guizhou (southern China). Herzogia 28: 44-49.
Pócs, T., Müller, F. & Shevock, J. R.: Additions to the liverwort and hornwort flora of São Tomé and Príncipe II, with Neurolejeunea, a genus new to Africa. Herzogia 28: 50-69.
Hugonnot, V. & Celle, J.: A new, epiphytic, paradoxical bryophyte association from south-eastern France: the Cinclidoto fontinaloidis-Orthotrichetum sprucei. Herzogia 28: 77-86.
Fudali, E. & Wolski, G. J.: Ecological diversity of bryophytes on tree trunks in protected forests (a case study from Central Poland). Herzogia 28: 87-103.
Aptroot, A. & Moon, K. H.: New lichen records from Korea, with the description of the lichenicolous Halecania parasitica. Herzogia 28:193-203.
Farkas, E. & Flakus, A.: Rare or overlooked? - Two species of Lyromma (Lyrommataceae, lichenized Ascomycota) are new for Africa. Herzogia 28: 204-211.
Brackel, W. v.: Lichenicolous fungi from Central Italy with notes on some remarkable hepaticolous, algicolous and lichenized fungi. Herzogia 28: 212-281.
Aptroot, A.,Yazici, K. & Košuthová, A.: Three Placynthiaceae reported new to Asia from limestone in Turkey, with the description of the apothecia of Placynthium posterulum. Herzogia 28: 288-292.
Titelbild / title image: Peltigera venosa ist auf Grund ihrer schmalen fertilen Lappen und ihrer leuchtend grünen Farbe eine sehr gut gekennzeichnete Art. Sie ist verbreitet in Bereichen der Karpaten mit kalkreichen Gesteinen (Foto: F. Bouda). / Peltigera venosa is a very distinct species due to small fertile lobes and bright green colour. It is still common in many parts of the Carpathians with calcareous bedrock (foto: F. Bouda).
Ochyra, R., Sollman, P. & Lebouvier, M.:Hymenostylium recurvirostrum (Pottiaceae), a moss genus and species newly discovered in the southern polar regions. – Herzogia 28: 599–606.
Grzesiak, B. & Wolski, G. J.: Bryophilous species of the genus Galerina in peat bogs of Central Poland. – Herzogia 28: 607–623.
Tsurykau, A., Golubkov, V. & Bely, P.: The genera Hypotrachyna, Parmotrema and Punctelia (Parmeliaceae, lichenized Ascomycota) in Belarus. – Herzogia 28: 736–745.
Muchnik, E. & Breuss, O.: New and noteworthy records of Verrucariaceae (lichenised Ascomycota) from central European Russia. – Herzogia 28: 746–752.
Gagarina, L. V.:Coenogonium theae comb. et stat. nov. (lichenized Ascomycota). – Herzogia 28: 794–797.
Dietrich, M.:Gyalecta nidarosiensis on the ruin of Nünegg Castle in Lieli (Canton of Lucerne) for the first time recorded in Switzerland. – Herzogia 28: 798–801.
Neubeschreibungen und Neukombinationen / new descriptions and new combinations
Caeruleoconidia ochrolechiae Zhurb. & Diederich, gen. et sp. nov. [MycoBank 814592], p. 764. Coenogonium theae (Räsänen) Gagarina, comb. nov. [MycoBank 564020], p 795. Diplolaeviopsis japonica Zhurb. & Diederich, sp. nov. [MycoBank 814594], p. 768. Lichenosticta lecanorae (Vouaux) Brackel & Zhurb., comb. nov. [MycoBank 814595], p. 773. Perigrapha lobariae Zhurb., sp. nov. [MycoBank 814596], p. 776. Skyttea ochrolechiae Zhurb., sp. nov. [MycoBank 814597], p. 780.
Berger, F. & Türk, R.: Die amphibische Flechtenflora der alpinen Quellflur „Lackenböden“ im Dösental (Mallnitz, Nationalpark Hohe Tauern, Kärnten, Österreich). Herzogia 28: 348–358.
John, V. & Stapper, N. J.: Schwarznuss (Juglans nigra) in Auwäldern am Rhein als bedeutender Trägerbaum für Flechten und Moose in Rheinland-Pfalz. Herzogia 28: 405–429.
Kantvilas, G.: Observations on the genus Tephromela (lichenised Ascomycetes) in Tasmania, with the description of a new species. Herzogia 28: 430–444.
Sutjaritturakan, J. & Kalb, K.:Ocellularia (Ascomycota: Ostropales) – three new species, a new record and a key for all species so far recorded for Thailand. Herzogia 28: 545–555.
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