Herzogia 27 Heft 1

Zum Artikel / to the paper: Müller, F., Günther, K.-F., Hentschel, J. & Long, D. G.: Erstfund von Mannia triandra (Aytoniaceae, Hepaticae) für den Harz und Sachsen-Anhalt. – Herzogia 27: 147-156.
Artikel / articles
- Mayrhofer, H., Obermayer, W. & Wetschnig, W. 2014: Corticolous species of the genus Rinodina (lichenized Ascomycetes, Physciaceae) in southern Africa.
Herzogia 27 (1): 1–12. - Zduńczyk, A. & Kukwa, M. 2014: A revision of sorediate crustose lichens containing usnic acid and chlorinated xanthones in Poland.
Herzogia 27 (1): 13–40. - Schiefelbein, U., Litterski, B. & Sipman, H. J. M. 2014: Der Beitrag von Heinrich Gustav Flörke (1764–1835) zur Erforschung der Flechtenflora von Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
Herzogia 27 (1): 41–65. - Czarnota, P., Kison, H.-U. & Seelemann, A. 2014: Remarkable records of lichens and lichenicolous fungi from the Harz National Park (Lower Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt, Germany).
Herzogia 27 (1): 67–82. - Heuchert, B., Zhurbenko, M. P. & Braun, U. 2014: Reassessment of the lichenicolous hyphomycete genus Talpapellis.
Herzogia 27 (1): 83–92. - Zhurbenko, M. P. & Vershinina, S. E. 2014: Opegrapha bryoriae sp. nov. and other lichenicolous fungi from Asian Russia.
Herzogia 27 (1): 93–109. - Tsurykau, A., Golubkov, V. & Kukwa, M. 2014: New or otherwise interesting records of lichens and lichenicolous fungi from Belarus.
Herzogia 27 (1): 111–120. - Rola, K., Osyczka, P. & Nobis, M. 2014: Cryptogamic communities dominated by the lichen Cladonia rei – a case study of Polish post-smelting dumps in a worldwide context.
Herzogia 27 (1): 121–135. - Greven, H. & Feng, C. 2014: Grimmia crassiuscula sp. nov. (Grimmiaceae) from China, and its separation from Grimmia tergestina and Grimmia unicolor.
Herzogia 27 (1): 137–140. - Bednarek-Ochyra, H. 2014: A taxonomic assessment of Racomitrium steerei (Grimmiaceae, Musci) from Venezuela.
Herzogia 27 (1): 141–146 - Müller, F., Günther, K.-F., Hentschel, J. & Long, D. G. 2014: Erstfund von Mannia triandra (Aytoniaceae, Hepaticae) für den Harz und Sachsen-Anhalt.
Herzogia 27 (1): 147–156. - Baumann, M. 2014: Verbreitung von Lophozia obtusa im Erzgebirge.
Herzogia 27 (1): 157–164. - Kaufmann, S. & Berg, C. 2014: Bryophyte ecology and conservation in the Troodos Mountains, Cyprus.
Herzogia 27 (1): 165-187.
Kurzmitteilungen / short communications
- Wagner, H.-G. & Lumbsch, H. T. 2014: Coppinsia minutissima neu für Brandenburg.
Herzogia 27 (1): 189–191. - Motiejūnaitė, J. & Grochowski, P. 2014: Miscellaneous new records of lichens and lichenicolous fungi.
Herzogia 27 (1): 193–198. - Bilovitz, P. O. 2014: The importance of old deciduous trees and wooden fences for lichen diversity – an example from the Teichalm area (Eastern Alps).
Herzogia 27 (1): 199–204. - Kirschbaum, U. 2014: Wachstum und Vergehen einer Blattflechte.
Herzogia 27 (1): 205–209. - Müller, F. 2014: Bartramia aprica − the correct name for the Mediterranean and western North American species historically recognized as “Bartramia stricta”.
Herzogia 27 (1): 211–214. - Biedermann, S., Müller, F. & Seifert, E. 2014: Neu- und Wiederfunde für die Moosflora Sachsens.
Herzogia 27 (1): 215–219. - Papp, B., Pantović, J., Szurdoki, E. & Sabovljević, M. S. 2014: Interesting and new species for the bryophyte flora of Serbia.
Herzogia 27 (1): 221–225.
Neubeschreibungen und Neukombinationen / new descriptions and new combinations
Grimmia crassiuscula H.C.Greven & C.Feng sp. nov., p. 137.
Opegrapha bryoriae Zhurb. sp. nov. [MycoBank 808207], p. 100.
Talpapellis peltigerae var. rossica Heuchert, Zhurb. & U.Braun var. nov. [MycoBank 808323], p. 88.
Opegrapha bryoriae Zhurb. sp. nov. [MycoBank 808207], p. 100.
Talpapellis peltigerae var. rossica Heuchert, Zhurb. & U.Braun var. nov. [MycoBank 808323], p. 88.